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Oxytocin Ring Design

Oxytocin Ring

Oxytocin Ring Design – Emily Alice Jewelry

As you probably already know, they oxytocin molecule is not for the faint-hearted. We know that it plays a big part in bonding us to the people we love, but did you know that the structure of the molecule is also pretty complicated?

It’s the most detailed molecule in my jewelry collection so when a customer asked me to make a ring in this molecule, I knew I was facing a challenge. And a challenge I was looking forward to! (I’ve made interactive atom cufflinks and spinning rings. I can do this!)

In the end we decided to make a wide band with the design of the oxytocin molecule cut into it. The back of the band was shaped to be narrower for comfort.

It makes a great piece for someone who is not afraid of large rings!

Are you looking for your own oxytocin ring? These are not yet a permanent feature in my shop, but contact me below if you would like to find out more and order one, or design a different style oxytocin ring that is right for you.

You can also take a look at the oxytocin collection in my shop for other items of jewelry. Enjoy!


It’s all about trust, bonding and love. Made for someone very dear to you.

See the full Oxytocin Collection

Contact Emily

If you contact me please add hello at emily-alice dot com to your email address so my reply does not get lost in your spam/junk mail. I’ll be in touch shortly!

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Gift Guide for Mom

In this gift guide you’ll find you some of the best suited choices for Mom this year from the Emily Alice collection. Say you love her with something unique, that will remind her of you all year round.

 Choose 2 or more pieces from anywhere in the shop and I’ll upgrade your shipping to Fedex International Express (2-3 days* shipping) at no extra charge.


Oxytocin is the bond in all our relationships, it’s especially strong between a mother and her children. Oxytocin is the hormone that creates that first bond between new born babies and mothers, too! So it’s perfect for a mom of any age.

[etheme_product_category category=”oxytocin-2″ per_page=”5″ columns=”3″ orderby=”date” order=”desc”]

See the rest of the oxytocin collection here….



Serotonin is that real feel good hormone. It makes us happy and keeps us calm. Want your mom to have a relaxing day? Choose a piece from the Serotonin collection, it will bring smiles all year.

[etheme_product_category category=”serotonin-2″ per_page=”6″ columns=”3″ orderby=”date” order=”desc”]

See the entire serotonin collection….


*Shipping times depend on your location. 2 – 3 business days.

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The Atomic Structure of Iron

Iron – The 26th Element

Atom ring

As my readers and customers will know, I’m not a scientist by trade. I’m a jeweller. But science still fascinates me and I love to create commissions like this one.

My Customer

My customer wanted a special ring to give as a gift to her other half and asked me if I could somehow make a ring inspired by iron. It was to be a gift for a chemistry teacher named Felecia, who goes by ‘Fe’ for short. What a great idea for a chemist! Combine her name with an element.

I sent a few designs and we worked together to finalise it.

The Ring

The front of this ring shows the atomic structure of iron. Each of the 26 holes show the electrons and the engraved circles show the orbital rings. The dot in the center represents the nucleus.

There is an engraving on the inside of the band reading ‘that one’s all mine’.


This ring was fun to make because it set me a bit of a challenge. Along with the usual cutting, drilling and soldering, I wanted to engrave the circles by hand, but in my mind they had to be perfect. After all, this is a scientific diagram, for a scientist and (unlike some of my other work) not really open to abstract ideas! After a few trial runs I was happy that I was going to be able to make them as I envisaged.

Capture3 Capture2Science ringThat one's all mineIron Element Ring



 ”My experience was wonderful. Emily really worked to create my vision. She stuck in there as I changed my mind on the little details, and the ring was flawlessly executed, and looked and fit perfect. Fe loves it and hasn’t taken it off since Christmas. All her colleagues find it to be a perfect fit for her. I will definitely be commissioning another piece.”   L.Sullivan

Want to commission your own piece? Contact me, I’m looking forward to working with you.


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A Collection of ‘Red HerRings’

A Little Word Play

Red herrings: I quite like words, I like word play even more.
This is a re-visitation of an old project – in fact it was the project I set myself for my final year at university.

The source of my inspiration is the dictionary. I have been through my copy with a fine toothed comb and collected all the words I can find with the word ‘ring’ in it somewhere. Firing, remebering, enduring and hard-of-hearing are a few examples. I’m working on fabricating a range of words into rings to be worn. Check back for updates and to see how I have interpenetrated the words I choose.

Here are some that I have already created;

Tiring    Remembering    Heartstrings    Hard-of-hearing     Enduring    Firing    Entering/Injuring

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Bridesmaids Gifts – Serotonin

Bridesmaids Gifts: Serotonin Pendants

Are you looking for a unique way to thank your bridesmaids? These Serotonin Pendants are a beautiful way to show them how much you appreciate them, give them a bit of happiness captured in silver!

Each piece comes boxed and with a card describing the molecule. Serotonin is best known as the feeling of happiness so is perfect for a reminder of you special day.

The pendant is handmade from sterling silver and the shape of the pendant depicts the serotonin molecule.

Each pendant costs £52, but if you buy 3 or more you can save 15%:

3 pendants: £132 (save £24): 4 pendants: £176 (save £32): 5 pendants: £220 (save £40)

Also available are Dopamine Pendants, Serotonin Earrings, Adrenaline Pendants or if there is something else you would like to commission please contact me ([email protected]) to discuss your ideas.

If you would like to purchase this listing please email me at [email protected] and answer the following:

Which pieces of jewellery would you like?

How many pieces do you need?

What is the date of your wedding?

I will then send you an invoice with the discounted price depending on your chosen amount. Any questions? Just ask! Thanks for looking.





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Adreanaline: A sneak preview.

I’m redesigning my adrenaline jewellery range, its not finished yet but here is a peek at the new earrings for you. Sterling silver with a black finish to echo the strength and power that adrenaline brings. As with all the pieces from the Chain Reactions Collection the shape of the jewellery is based on the molecular structure of the hormone, in this case, adrenaline.

Want to see more? Check outDopamine, Serotonin or Phenethylamine.

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Greener Jewellery – Vinegar vs. Citric Acid.

It’s time to switch from a strong chemical pickle in my workshop to a more friendly alternative which has less impact on the environment and is easier to dispose of. Now the question is what is my best alternative?

Citric acid powder

I have heard that people are using vinegar with salt, or citric acid, instead of the usual jewellers’ choice; sodium bisulphate. This afternoon I did a quick experiment to see which gives the best results in the shortest time.

I used this recipe that I found for the vinegar solution: 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt. I dissolved the citric acid powder in warm water until it was saturated.

after soldering

I had some large silver jump rings to solder so I set up a bowl of hot citric acid and a bowl of hot vinegar solution.

After quenching my jump rings I put one in each pickle solution and waited.

Of course it took longer than the sodium bisulphate but after a couple of minutes it was clear that the vinegar was cleaning the silver quicker.

Citric pickle on the left: Vinegar on the right.

Ten minutes later and these were the results. I tried the test again in the interest of fairness and found the same.

Vinegar wins! Anyone know of anything better?

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I’m itching to get a new workshop set up, but until then I have been playing about on my computer with some images. This is a new addition to my ‘Red HerRing’ collection. Meet FiRing. This very short animation (15seconds!) is made from a sequence of fast fire, still photographs using my camera firing cord, and a hefty chunk of time for this not so tech savvy silversmith!


FiRing from Emily Alice on Vimeo.

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RemembeRing. This square ring is made from silver with magnets set inside the boxed top. Interchangeable steel faces have different messages for the wearer.

Sterling silver, magnets, steel. 2003

Remember /r??m?mb?/verb

1 [with object] have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past)

2 [with infinitive] do something that one has undertaken to do or that is necessary or advisable:did you remember to post the letters?

Copyright © 2010 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

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Each side of this ring is enduring the other. With an equal number of nails pushed through and pressing against the top and bottom of the ring it really is a test of endurance. The two ring parts are made from sterling silver and the nails are made from copper. In this image I left the nails with an oxidized finish. I like the balance of the clean white silver, and the rusty looking nails that must be endured.

Enduring. Sterling silver and copper. 2011

enduring [?n?dj??r??]
1. permanent; lasting
2. having forbearance; long-suffering

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

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Tiring is simply a tire/tyre for your finger. Made from sterling silver with a blackened finish.

Tiring. Sterling silver. 2003

tire 1 (tr)

v. tired, tir·ing, tires

1. To grow weary.
2. To grow bored or impatient.
1. To diminish the strength or energy of; fatigue.
2. To exhaust the interest or patience of; bore.

tire 2 (tr)

1. A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.
2. A hoop of metal or rubber fitted around a wheel.

tire 3 (tr) Archaic

tr.v. tired, tir·ing, tires

To adorn or attire.

1. Attire.
2. A headband or headdress.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Exploring Emotions

In the beginning

After stumbling across an article about emotions some time ago I have become intrigued with the biology of our emotions. I have to confess I’m no scientist, in fact far from it, I’m a jeweler with a slight obsession. But I hope that doesn’t mean I can’t create jewelery with meaning, with more than just beauty. So with each piece I create I also learn and satisfy my current obsession a little more. It all started with the hormone serotonin …


So this one is quite a commonly known hormone, mostly associated with maintaining levels of happiness, keeping anxiety at bay and aiding restful sleep. I think that’s pretty important to most of us! With this in mind I designed my first piece of jewelery inspired by the molecular structure of serotonin. I decided the first piece had to be a chain since the delivery of the chemical in your body is a chain / chemical reaction.

And here it is, the finished piece. It certainly made me happy anyway. More molecular structure inspired jewelery to be made, more research to be done…..phenethylamine you’re next!