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Greener Jewellery – Vinegar vs. Citric Acid.

It’s time to switch from a strong chemical pickle in my workshop to a more friendly alternative which has less impact on the environment and is easier to dispose of. Now the question is what is my best alternative?

Citric acid powder

I have heard that people are using vinegar with salt, or citric acid, instead of the usual jewellers’ choice; sodium bisulphate. This afternoon I did a quick experiment to see which gives the best results in the shortest time.

I used this recipe that I found for the vinegar solution: 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt. I dissolved the citric acid powder in warm water until it was saturated.

after soldering

I had some large silver jump rings to solder so I set up a bowl of hot citric acid and a bowl of hot vinegar solution.

After quenching my jump rings I put one in each pickle solution and waited.

Of course it took longer than the sodium bisulphate but after a couple of minutes it was clear that the vinegar was cleaning the silver quicker.

Citric pickle on the left: Vinegar on the right.

Ten minutes later and these were the results. I tried the test again in the interest of fairness and found the same.

Vinegar wins! Anyone know of anything better?

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Beautiful Boxes!

I just received my newly made packaging from my supplier and I’m so pleased with the results. Here are some pictures of my jewellery boxes, they are covered in a soft dark brown velvet with a cream coloured lining. I think my jewellery will be very happy in these boxes. Thanks to Maleeja for such a great service and letting me meet her at her house to discuss designs.

Dopamine Jewellery from the Chain Reactions Collection.

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Batch Produced Silver ‘Molecule’ Cufflinks

I’ve recently applied to have some of the work I sell online certified as handmade through the website I sell on, and I thought I would share some of my batch production images here. I’d say these cufflinks are my best sellers so I often make mini batches to have on hand at busy times. And to be honest I love seeing all the matching pairs and sets lined up in unison!

Lined up in pairs ready to be soldered.
Cleaned up cufflinks but grubby fingers marks on the paper!
Letting the pickle do the hard cleaning - I was probably off having a cup of tea
A batch ready to ship out, polished and boxed.
One of the finished pairs: Adrenaline Cufflinks

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I’m itching to get a new workshop set up, but until then I have been playing about on my computer with some images. This is a new addition to my ‘Red HerRing’ collection. Meet FiRing. This very short animation (15seconds!) is made from a sequence of fast fire, still photographs using my camera firing cord, and a hefty chunk of time for this not so tech savvy silversmith!


FiRing from Emily Alice on Vimeo.

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A Friendly Face in Vietnam

I met this lady on the beach in Vietnam, her massage station was set up close to where we had settled for our couple of days on the beach. Her days are busy with plenty of tourists unable to resist a $3 massage on the beach, and as she works she flashes smiles our way and always shouts us greetings in the morning.

As the sun is setting on another busy day she comes over to our sun beds to chat as she winds down. Since the sun is setting she has removed her conical hat that she wears for most of the day and is just enjoying the peace of the evening.

We chat for a while and I tune into her accented English and in a handful of words she proudly tells us her story. She has been working on the beach for many years since her son was a baby, when she first started she made very little money and her son lingered with her while she tried to work.

Now, she says, “Money, no problem, no problem” waving one hand in the air, all the while her other hand is deftly and absentmindedly massaging my boyfriends foot and popping his toes with ease and comfort. As she beams and massages she tells us repeatedly with such pride that now her son is going to school and she owns not one but 2 motorcycles! One for her and one for her son. We cannot help but smile and become infected with her joy, I snapped this photo whilst thinking it was one of the nicest moments of the trip so far.

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The Honking Chain

After spending some time in Vietnam you come to realize that one thing is pretty inescapable, the constant honking of horns is everywhere. I feel though, that I may have figured out the honking etiquette, it seems to me like the food chain.

The large vehicles (buses and trucks) honk at everything smaller than them. Vans, mini buses and cars honk at the motorbikes, the motorbikes honk at each other and the bicycles. The bicycles get out of the way.

Pretty simple, although you should consider the following rules of the game too:
• Honk if you decide to drive on the wrong side of the road at a fast pace on a blind corner.
• Honk if you see an animal.
•Honk if you see an unattended motorcycle – better safe than sorry.

•Honk regularly. It’s for the best.
•Honk before overtaking anything.

• Find your own honking rhythm. Ten honks in quick succession is not unacceptable, especially if you are transporting a coach load of people through the night on a sleeper bus.

•Honk on a boat at Halong Bay – well why not?

Please feel free to add your own rules if I’ve missed any!

Courtesy of  Karen (through twitter):

•Honk at a temple! (mostly in Bali but I think it fits in Vietnam too) Thanks :)

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Nature did most of the work for me on this ring. Made from sterling silver, a tulip and a little time. Just conceptual really but it fits the description.

–verb (used without object)
to shrivel; fade; decay: The grapes had withered on the vine.
to lose the freshness of youth, as from age (often fol. by away ).
–verb (used with object)
to make flaccid, shrunken, or dry, as from loss of moisture; cause to lose freshness, bloom, vigor, etc.: The drought withered the buds. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.

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This silver ring is a handmade miniature ear trumpet mounted on a silver band.




a) deaf or partly deaf

b) ( as collective noun; preceded by the ): the hard of hearing

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins


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RemembeRing. This square ring is made from silver with magnets set inside the boxed top. Interchangeable steel faces have different messages for the wearer.

Sterling silver, magnets, steel. 2003

Remember /r??m?mb?/verb

1 [with object] have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past)

2 [with infinitive] do something that one has undertaken to do or that is necessary or advisable:did you remember to post the letters?

Copyright © 2010 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

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Each side of this ring is enduring the other. With an equal number of nails pushed through and pressing against the top and bottom of the ring it really is a test of endurance. The two ring parts are made from sterling silver and the nails are made from copper. In this image I left the nails with an oxidized finish. I like the balance of the clean white silver, and the rusty looking nails that must be endured.

Enduring. Sterling silver and copper. 2011

enduring [?n?dj??r??]
1. permanent; lasting
2. having forbearance; long-suffering

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

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Heartstrings is a unusually shaped ring, with red strings running through the center. The heart shaped case is made from sterling silver and riveted together, the strings are made from a firm but elastic silicon cord.

heart·string (härtstrng)
1. heartstrings The deepest feelings or affections: a tug at the heartstrings.
2. One of the nerves or tendons formerly believed to brace and sustain the heart.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Tiring is simply a tire/tyre for your finger. Made from sterling silver with a blackened finish.

Tiring. Sterling silver. 2003

tire 1 (tr)

v. tired, tir·ing, tires

1. To grow weary.
2. To grow bored or impatient.
1. To diminish the strength or energy of; fatigue.
2. To exhaust the interest or patience of; bore.

tire 2 (tr)

1. A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.
2. A hoop of metal or rubber fitted around a wheel.

tire 3 (tr) Archaic

tr.v. tired, tir·ing, tires

To adorn or attire.

1. Attire.
2. A headband or headdress.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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About Dopamine – A Driving Force

…and a great reward.

When you are looking forward to something, dreaming of it and working to make it happen, the sweet taste of anticipation, it’s dopamine that is at work.

About Dopamine

about dopamine
Neurons firing

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that creates desire and passion. It is the link between thinking you want something – and actually moving and getting what you want.

In short, it is the pursuit of any pleasure.

It heightens your experiences and builds your desire to have them again, without dopamine you would feel joyless and unenthusiastic.

For many of the reasons above it plays an important part in the chemical cocktail of love, it is often associated with addiction and could quite probably be responsible for what addicts us to each other.

Dopamine Necklace When you’re pursuing your dreams it’s the dopamine flowing, and it is the reward when you achieve them. I think it’s my favorite molecule, and thanks to it’s marvelous effect I would guess you are probably a fan too – even if you didn’t know it!


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Dopamine Jewelry

For me the most exciting things about dopamine are the feelings of desire, the anticipation and the rewards. I wanted to make a piece of jewelery that reflected some of these things. I wanted the jewelery to have some extravagance to it because I feel that dopamine is a special neurotransmitter. I decided that this molecule in my jewelry would be a 3D structure so it had some weight and some added intricacy. The finished pieces are given a high polish to reflect the sense of desire, like a magpie I often find myself drawn to shiny metal so it seemed an appropriate finish.

The first necklace I made I think of as a dopamine rush with many small pieces of ‘silver dopamine’ linked together. This was probably one of the most time consuming pieces I have worked on and I was certainly anticipating seeing the finished result. The rest of the dopamine collection is inspired by this necklace.

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The Brain in Love

This great talk by Helen Fisher quenched my thirst for information about hormones for a short while. She speaks of romantic love, the chemistry involved and the power of its addiction.

“Why do we crave love so much, even to the point that we would die for it? To learn more about our very real, very physical need for romantic love, Helen Fisher and her research team took MRIs of people in love — and people who had just been dumped.”



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Copper and Cool Blues

‘Copper and Cool Blues’ by EmilyAliceBall

Just because…

Asian patchwork brown f…


Vintage Copper Chain wi…


Extra Long Chunky Women…


Roped Bowl- 5×7 fine ar…


Extra long copper and c…


Feed Sack Owl – A Bird …


Wire Lace . Bouquet Pen…


vintage roulette ashtra…


vintage dinner gong bra…


Moroccan Art Silk Bead …




Print of Original Artwo…


SAKADO backpack purse i…


large turquoise pendant…


Star finder copper cuff


Generated using Treasury HTML code generator by Whale Shark Websites.

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Daddy’s Cafe. Malaysia.

If you get the chance to visit the Island of Pangkor in Malaysia then Daddy’s Cafe is without a doubt the place to eat. The seafood and fish is fresh and the chef knows his stuff, it’s a small business and the staff are relaxed and friendly.
If that hasn’t convinced you then the reason to visit is the sunset. After discovering this place on the small island we went back to eat there a few times more until we were due to leave the island just to catch the beauty of the place.
Even if you just go to have a beer on your own and watch the day disappear it is a must see.
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Exploring Emotions

In the beginning

After stumbling across an article about emotions some time ago I have become intrigued with the biology of our emotions. I have to confess I’m no scientist, in fact far from it, I’m a jeweler with a slight obsession. But I hope that doesn’t mean I can’t create jewelery with meaning, with more than just beauty. So with each piece I create I also learn and satisfy my current obsession a little more. It all started with the hormone serotonin …


So this one is quite a commonly known hormone, mostly associated with maintaining levels of happiness, keeping anxiety at bay and aiding restful sleep. I think that’s pretty important to most of us! With this in mind I designed my first piece of jewelery inspired by the molecular structure of serotonin. I decided the first piece had to be a chain since the delivery of the chemical in your body is a chain / chemical reaction.

And here it is, the finished piece. It certainly made me happy anyway. More molecular structure inspired jewelery to be made, more research to be done…..phenethylamine you’re next!

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Adrenaline Pendant

Adrenaline Pendant £56 [convert number=56 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

Adrenaline Pendant

Perfect for an adrenaline junkie! This sterling silver pendant has been given a black finish to represent that feeling of power and strength. The chemical adrenaline is the hormone that rushes through you when you are in exciting or dangerous situations. The design of the pendant depicts the adrenaline molecule.

? Sterling silver
? Toggle clasp (t-bar and hoop)
? 42 cm chain
? Handmade by Emily Alice
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund or exchange. See my shop policies for more details.

Part of the Emily Alice, Chain Reactions collection. All jewellery comes in a Emily Alice box with a tag describing the molecule.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:AdrenalinePendant:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,56.00|North America/Australasia Express,70.00|Europe/South America Express,74.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,76.00|FedEx Europe,78.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.

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Adrenaline Earrings

Adrenaline Earrings £58 [convert number=58 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]


Each of these adrenaline earrings is a representation of the molecule adrenaline. Made from sterling silver and given a black finish – these are sure to make an interesting and beautiful addition to your earring collection. They represent power and strength and make a great conversation starter.

? Sterling silver with an oxidised finish (not a coating)
? Sterling silver ear wires with no oxidised finish.
? Handmade by Emily Alice
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund or exchange. See my shop policies for more details.

Professionally handmade by Emily Alice from sterling silver, these make a wonderful and meaningful gift for yourself or someone else. All jewellery comes in quality boxes with a description of the inspiration.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:AdrenalineEarrings:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,58.00|North America/Australasia Express,72.00|Europe/South America Express,76.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,78.00|FedEx Europe,80.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.

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Serotonin Bracelet



Wear a little happiness with this sterling silver bracelet, perfect for a special occasion or just to make you (or a friend) smile. Fastens with a T-bar clasp for ease.
In the human body serotonin is the chemical best known for creating happiness and excitement, the circles and holes depict the serotonin molecule.

Part of the Emily Alice – Chain Reactions collection. All jewellery comes in a Emily Alice box with a tag describing the molecule.

Shipping costs:     Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days): £3.50
Express mail to the US or Canada (4-7 days): £15.00
Express Mail to the European Union (4-7 days): £17.50
FedEx Worldwide (2-3 days): £20.00

[wp_cart:Serotonin Bracelet:price:[Shipping|Registered Mail,118.50|US and Canada Express,130.00|EU Express,132.50|FedEx Worldwide,135.00]:end]