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Oxytocin Pendant

This oxytocin pendant was commissioned as a Valentine’s Day gift. Oxytocin is hormonal superglue and is the bond in all out relationships. Read more about it here!

Oxytocin Silver Pendant Model
Oxytocin Pendant with a polished finish. Sterling silver 2013.
Oxytocin finishes.
Oxytocin molecule. Hand-cut. Matte finish above, black finish below.
Oxytocin from sheet silver
Work in progress. Time to take a breath before cutting out the last part of the shape.

Oxytocin BoxOxytocin Feedback

If you are interested in something similar or commissioning your own piece please contact me.

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Timeline for Facebook Pages

I love the new Timeline for facebook pages – it feels much more like a blog and is heavy on the images which is great for us artists and crafters. Here is a snapshot of my newly published page – I’ll tell you why I like it below.

I new tabs are much more easy to spot than having them hidden away on the side bar – the buttons are much bigger. Definitly a reason to customise them properly as I have done here.

You can now highlight content from your page and make it bigger or pin it to the top of the page. And at last – there is a function where fans can send you a private message which I think is wonderful.

I found this blog post helpful too Prep Your Business Page for Facebook Timeline: 5 Lessons Learned From Old Spice and Other Big Brands | Business 2 Community

All in all I like the new design – come and see how I filled out my timeline with events and features!

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Serotonin Cufflinks

Serotonin Cufflinks £100 [convert number=100 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

Serotonin Cufflinks are a great way to give or get a little happiness. These sterling silver cufflinks are perfect for a special occasion or just to make someone smile.

In the human body serotonin is the chemical best known for creating happiness and excitement. The design on the face of the serotonin cufflinks depicts the serotonin molecule and each different sized circle or dome represents the base elements of the hormone serotonin.

They would make a great gift with a beautiful meaning and are sure to be noticed when worn.

? Sterling silver
? Round bar with hinge links for secure fit
? Handcrafted by Emily in her studio.
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund. See my shop policies for more details.

Part of the Emily Alice, Chain Reactions collection. All jewellery comes in a Emily Alice box with a tag describing the molecule.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:Serotonin Cufflinks:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,100.00|North America/Australasia Express,114.00|Europe/South America Express,118.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,120.00|FedEx Europe,122.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.

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Silver Snowflakes

This lovely little snowflake was not formed in a cloud being whisked around as I described a few days ago. But it was made carefully from sterling silver – hand cut with my jewellers saw. Each snowflake I have made this winter is totally unique and there are only three left. Here is one of them – click the image to see more detail and to find more.

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Love Junkie Necklace

One of my top recommendations for Valentines’ Day, the ‘Love Junkie’ necklace is inspired by the hormone phenethylamine which is the hormone of love. Click the photo for more info – or if you are looking for something for your man then try these Love Junkie cufflinks .

Love Junkie Silver Pendant


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Adreanaline: A sneak preview.

I’m redesigning my adrenaline jewellery range, its not finished yet but here is a peek at the new earrings for you. Sterling silver with a black finish to echo the strength and power that adrenaline brings. As with all the pieces from the Chain Reactions Collection the shape of the jewellery is based on the molecular structure of the hormone, in this case, adrenaline.

Want to see more? Check outDopamine, Serotonin or Phenethylamine.

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Nature did most of the work for me on this ring. Made from sterling silver, a tulip and a little time. Just conceptual really but it fits the description.

–verb (used without object)
to shrivel; fade; decay: The grapes had withered on the vine.
to lose the freshness of youth, as from age (often fol. by away ).
–verb (used with object)
to make flaccid, shrunken, or dry, as from loss of moisture; cause to lose freshness, bloom, vigor, etc.: The drought withered the buds. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.

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This silver ring is a handmade miniature ear trumpet mounted on a silver band.




a) deaf or partly deaf

b) ( as collective noun; preceded by the ): the hard of hearing

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins


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Heartstrings is a unusually shaped ring, with red strings running through the center. The heart shaped case is made from sterling silver and riveted together, the strings are made from a firm but elastic silicon cord.

heart·string (härtstrng)
1. heartstrings The deepest feelings or affections: a tug at the heartstrings.
2. One of the nerves or tendons formerly believed to brace and sustain the heart.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Adrenaline Pendant

Adrenaline Pendant £56 [convert number=56 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

Adrenaline Pendant

Perfect for an adrenaline junkie! This sterling silver pendant has been given a black finish to represent that feeling of power and strength. The chemical adrenaline is the hormone that rushes through you when you are in exciting or dangerous situations. The design of the pendant depicts the adrenaline molecule.

? Sterling silver
? Toggle clasp (t-bar and hoop)
? 42 cm chain
? Handmade by Emily Alice
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund or exchange. See my shop policies for more details.

Part of the Emily Alice, Chain Reactions collection. All jewellery comes in a Emily Alice box with a tag describing the molecule.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:AdrenalinePendant:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,56.00|North America/Australasia Express,70.00|Europe/South America Express,74.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,76.00|FedEx Europe,78.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.