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Adreanaline: A sneak preview.

I’m redesigning my adrenaline jewellery range, its not finished yet but here is a peek at the new earrings for you. Sterling silver with a black finish to echo the strength and power that adrenaline brings. As with all the pieces from the Chain Reactions Collection the shape of the jewellery is based on the molecular structure of the hormone, in this case, adrenaline.

Want to see more? Check outDopamine, Serotonin or Phenethylamine.

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Tiring is simply a tire/tyre for your finger. Made from sterling silver with a blackened finish.

Tiring. Sterling silver. 2003

tire 1 (tr)

v. tired, tir·ing, tires

1. To grow weary.
2. To grow bored or impatient.
1. To diminish the strength or energy of; fatigue.
2. To exhaust the interest or patience of; bore.

tire 2 (tr)

1. A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.
2. A hoop of metal or rubber fitted around a wheel.

tire 3 (tr) Archaic

tr.v. tired, tir·ing, tires

To adorn or attire.

1. Attire.
2. A headband or headdress.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Adrenaline Pendant

Adrenaline Pendant £56 [convert number=56 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

Adrenaline Pendant

Perfect for an adrenaline junkie! This sterling silver pendant has been given a black finish to represent that feeling of power and strength. The chemical adrenaline is the hormone that rushes through you when you are in exciting or dangerous situations. The design of the pendant depicts the adrenaline molecule.

? Sterling silver
? Toggle clasp (t-bar and hoop)
? 42 cm chain
? Handmade by Emily Alice
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund or exchange. See my shop policies for more details.

Part of the Emily Alice, Chain Reactions collection. All jewellery comes in a Emily Alice box with a tag describing the molecule.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:AdrenalinePendant:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,56.00|North America/Australasia Express,70.00|Europe/South America Express,74.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,76.00|FedEx Europe,78.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.

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Adrenaline Earrings

Adrenaline Earrings £58 [convert number=58 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]


Each of these adrenaline earrings is a representation of the molecule adrenaline. Made from sterling silver and given a black finish – these are sure to make an interesting and beautiful addition to your earring collection. They represent power and strength and make a great conversation starter.

? Sterling silver with an oxidised finish (not a coating)
? Sterling silver ear wires with no oxidised finish.
? Handmade by Emily Alice
? Quality, branded packaging with a description of the molecule.
? I stand behind my product, if you are not satisfied contact me within 7 days for a refund or exchange. See my shop policies for more details.

Professionally handmade by Emily Alice from sterling silver, these make a wonderful and meaningful gift for yourself or someone else. All jewellery comes in quality boxes with a description of the inspiration.

Shipping costs:

  • FREE – Registered mail worldwide (10-14 days*)
  • Express mail to North America or Australasia (4-7 days*): £14.00 [convert number=14 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Express Mail to Europe and South America(4-7 days*): £18.00 [convert number=18 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • FedEx to North America or Australasia (2-3 days*): £20.00 [convert number=20 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]
  • Fed Ex to Europe (2-3 days*) £22.00 [convert number=22 from=”gbp” to=”usd” template=” (approx. $%result%)”]

[wp_cart:AdrenalineEarrings:price:[Shipping|Free Shipping,58.00|North America/Australasia Express,72.00|Europe/South America Express,76.00|FedEx North America/Ausralasia,78.00|FedEx Europe,80.00]:end]

*Delivery times vary depending on your location and do not include unexpected customs/seasonal delays.