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A Collection of ‘Red HerRings’

A Little Word Play

Red herrings: I quite like words, I like word play even more.
This is a re-visitation of an old project – in fact it was the project I set myself for my final year at university.

The source of my inspiration is the dictionary. I have been through my copy with a fine toothed comb and collected all the words I can find with the word ‘ring’ in it somewhere. Firing, remebering, enduring and hard-of-hearing are a few examples. I’m working on fabricating a range of words into rings to be worn. Check back for updates and to see how I have interpenetrated the words I choose.

Here are some that I have already created;

Tiring    Remembering    Heartstrings    Hard-of-hearing     Enduring    Firing    Entering/Injuring

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I’m itching to get a new workshop set up, but until then I have been playing about on my computer with some images. This is a new addition to my ‘Red HerRing’ collection. Meet FiRing. This very short animation (15seconds!) is made from a sequence of fast fire, still photographs using my camera firing cord, and a hefty chunk of time for this not so tech savvy silversmith!


FiRing from Emily Alice on Vimeo.

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Each side of this ring is enduring the other. With an equal number of nails pushed through and pressing against the top and bottom of the ring it really is a test of endurance. The two ring parts are made from sterling silver and the nails are made from copper. In this image I left the nails with an oxidized finish. I like the balance of the clean white silver, and the rusty looking nails that must be endured.

Enduring. Sterling silver and copper. 2011

enduring [?n?dj??r??]
1. permanent; lasting
2. having forbearance; long-suffering

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003