It’s time to switch from a strong chemical pickle in my workshop to a more friendly alternative which has less impact on the environment and is easier to dispose of. Now the question is what is my best alternative?
I have heard that people are using vinegar with salt, or citric acid, instead of the usual jewellers’ choice; sodium bisulphate. This afternoon I did a quick experiment to see which gives the best results in the shortest time.
I used this recipe that I found for the vinegar solution: 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt. I dissolved the citric acid powder in warm water until it was saturated.
I had some large silver jump rings to solder so I set up a bowl of hot citric acid and a bowl of hot vinegar solution.
After quenching my jump rings I put one in each pickle solution and waited.
Of course it took longer than the sodium bisulphate but after a couple of minutes it was clear that the vinegar was cleaning the silver quicker.
Ten minutes later and these were the results. I tried the test again in the interest of fairness and found the same.
Vinegar wins! Anyone know of anything better?
hey, good for you!! it’s awesome to see people switching to greener options.
Thanks, and it is awesome that it works. Just a bit smellier!