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EnteRing, InjuRing & RecoveRing.

Narrative Jewelry Chapter 1: EnteRing (entering) / InjuRing (injuring)

This ring has two names, because they both fit the story for this tongue in cheek creation. Mounted on the silver band is a very non-precious stone, in fact it was a part of the road up until the point that my boyfriend launched himself onto it from the seat of his motorbike. At this point the stone entered and injured his arm (and stayed there for longer than advisable).

The silver band has a scratched/damaged look – much like the motorbike did after said incident.


1. to come or go into (a particular place) he entered the room,


vb (-juring, -jured)
1. to hurt physically or mentally,
2. to do wrong to (a person), esp. by an injustice, the injured party,
3. to damage, an opportunity to injure your reputation…*

Narrative Jewelry Chapter 2: RecoveRing (recovering)

As I mentioned above, the stone lingered, resulting in a minor hospital visit and a short course of antibiotics. Hence: recovering. And he is fine by the way!


1. (of a person) to regain health, spirits, or composure,
2. to regain a former and better condition…*

See other Red HerRings;

Tiring  Remembering  Heartstrings  Hard-of-hearing  Enduring  Firing  

*Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins